Walking With Ava – inspiring a global community one post at a time

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In a digital age where social media often gets painted as the villain, 16-year-old Ava Costa is flipping the script—one Instagram post at a time. The young gymnast, who suffered a life-altering spinal injury in 2023, has found solace, strength and connection in the unlikeliest of places: her Instagram feed.

Her handle, @walkingwithava, is more than just a catchy username. It’s a living, breathing diary of resilience, a community hub for those navigating the diverse challenges of a spinal injury. What started as a personal journey of recovery has quickly evolved into a movement that’s touching hearts across the globe.

Ava’s story is as heart-wrenching as it is inspiring. At just 14, she was the youngest member of the Australian Olympic training squad and an AIS-categorised athlete on the national team, her future in gymnastics seemingly boundless.

In a split second, during a routine gymnastics practice in April 2023, her life changed forever. But instead of retreating into the shadows, Ava made a bold decision—she opened up her world to the internet, sharing her highs, lows and everything in between.

From the sterile walls of her hospital room to the bright lights of the rehab centre, Ava’s posts are raw, unfiltered and unapologetically real. They capture the emotional rollercoaster of her recovery, but more than that, they pulse with an undeniable positivity—a fighting spirit that’s both infectious and inspiring.

Scroll through her feed, and you’ll find a mix of touching reflections, playful moments with friends and uplifting messages that have resonated with a global audience.

It’s this authenticity that has drawn thousands to her page. Her followers aren’t just numbers; they’re fellow spinal injury survivors, young athletes and strangers from every corner of the world, all seeking a little bit of the hope that Ava radiates.

Social media has become Ava’s megaphone, a way to amplify her voice and her journey far beyond the confines of her physical space. But it’s not just a one-way street. The outpouring of love, support and solidarity from strangers worldwide has become Ava’s lifeline on days when the weight of her injury feels too heavy to bear.

“There are times when I feel really low,” Ava shared in one of her posts, “and then I read a comment or a message from someone who has been through something similar, and it just lifts me up.”

These virtual connections have transformed her Instagram into more than just a social media account—it’s a global support network. And Ava, in turn, has become a source of inspiration for others.

Her story has crossed borders and oceans, reaching young people with spinal injuries from every corner of the globe. Her account has become a virtual gathering place for those seeking camaraderie and a reminder that they are not alone.

The impact of Ava’s journey has been profound. Within a week of launching her Instagram, families from as far away as South Africa, Zimbabwe, America, England, Canada, Belgium, Spain, Brazil and Argentina reached out, sharing stories of their own children who had suffered spinal injuries through gymnastics.

“It’s not something we had heard much about,” says Ava’s mother, Randi Costa. “No one talks about spinal injuries in gymnastics, and there needs to be more awareness.”

And awareness is growing. Even the most celebrated names in gymnastics have rallied behind Ava. Star athletes, including the esteemed Simone Biles, who recently set a new world record at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, have shared messages of support for Ava, amplifying her story and her mission.

Ava’s journey is still unfolding, but one thing is certain: she’s not just pursuing a path of recovery—she’s leading a movement. A movement that says, no matter how hard life gets, there’s always room for hope, connection, and positivity. And thanks to social media, that hope is spreading faster and further than ever before.

So, if you’re looking for a dose of inspiration, @walkingwithava is a good place to start. Ava Costa is proof that even in our darkest moments, we have the power to shine—one post, one comment, one connection at a time.

A special message from Simone Biles to Ava
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