Dr Sally Martin graduated from the University of London (UK) with a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She subsequently moved to The University of Queensland, where she worked in both the Institute for Molecular Biosciences and the Queensland Brain Institute, before moving to the laboratory of Prof Wolvetang at the AIBN (Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology).
Sally is a highly respected cell biologist with a long-standing interest in the mechanisms underlying cell metabolism and the molecular machinery underpinning neuron development and neurotransmission.
She has been working on the generation of cortical neurons from pluripotent stem cells within the laboratory of Prof Wolvetang for 5 years, and now joins the propriospinal interneuron project, where her work is focussed on generating engineered selectable and traceable interneurons for transplantation studies, and characterising the propensity of these neurons to form specific and functional synaptic connections.
In partnership with the Perry Cross Foundation, this work is furthering the effort to help spinal injury patients gain greater mobility.

Left to right: Dr Sally Martin, Associate Professor Marc Ruitenberg and Mr Hong Wa (Thomas) Lao