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PCSRF is currently funding spinal injury research at the following universities

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The cost of every spinal cord injury to the Australian society is significant. The estimated lifetime cost per incidence of quadriplegia is $9.5 million. The total annual cost of spinal cord injury in Australia is estimated to be $2 billion. Australia’s most promising hope of a cure right now is estimated to cost $30 million required to progress to the first human clinical trial.

The Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation has one end goal - to find a cure for paralysis for all and improve the quality of life for those living with or affected by it. It has raised and injected over $12 million dollars into specific spinal injury cure projects within Australia and continues to work tirelessly to fundraise, lobby and facilitate relationships required to ensure an urgent cure is at the forefront of Australia’s medical agenda.

With your help we have helped raise
over $12M into SCI Research


Axonal Regeneration
Mechanisms of Axonal Regeneration after central nervous system injury

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Growth Factor Project
A new treatment for acute spinal cord injury – combination growth factor delivery to reduce paralysis after spinal cord injury

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Olfactory Glia Project
Manipulating the selective activation of olfactory ensheathing cells for the repair of injured spinal cord.

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Nasal Biopsy Project
funded through Count Charitable Foundation

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Spinal Injury Project

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Spinal Injury Project

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Cleaning up the Injury Site (A/P Jenny Ekberg)

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Grant from Catwalk Trust

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Repairing the chronically injured spinal cord with iPSC (A/P Marc Ruitenberg)

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Repairing the injured spinal cord with olfactory glia transplantation

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Nerve Bridge Project
Funding to develop a new generation of nerve bridges to repair the injured spinal cord

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World-leading Griffith University research into the development of a cell-based therapy for treating spinal cord injuries has received a $5.7 million boost from the Queensland Government.

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GU (SIP) Find out more

Rehabilitation Trial 2

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CRO Scoping for Human Trial

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QLD Government Funding

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Dr Mo Chen Fellowship

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MRFF Nerve Bridge Project

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MRFF Nerve Bridge Project

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LiveCyte Microscope
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Total funding
$ 0

The PCSRF has played an integral role in
the funding of the following projects.

Currently Funded Projects

  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2023 - 2026
  • Total Funds Committed:$300,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2023 - 2025
  • Total Funds Committed:$149,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2023 - Ongoing
  • Total Funds Committed:$400,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2023 - 2024
  • Total Funds Committed:$88,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2023 - 2026
  • Total Funds Committed:$5,400,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Assoc Prof. Jenny Ekberg
  • PCSRF funding period:2018 – 2022 (Ongoing)
  • Total Funds Committed:$430,252

Previously Funded Projects

  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2022
  • Total Funds Committed:$420,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2019 - 2022
  • Total Funds Committed:$5,700,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2016 - 2019
  • Total Funds Committed:$5,000,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2016
  • Total Funds Committed:$232,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2020-2021
  • Total Funds Committed:$450,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Dr Mo Chen & Dr Tanja Eindorf
  • PCSRF funding period:Sept 2019 - March 2020
  • Total Funds Committed:$86,666
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Matthew Barker
  • PCSRF funding period:2019 - 2020
  • Total Funds Committed: $28,000
  • Institution:University of Queensland
  • Lead Researcher: Dr Marc Ruitenberg
  • PCSRF funding period:2018 – 2022
  • Total Funds Committed:$393,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:PhD Rebecca Yao
  • PCSRF funding period:2015
  • Total Funds Committed: $20,000 
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Professor James St John
  • PCSRF funding period:2015
  • Total Funds Committed:$50,000
  • Institution:Griffith University
  • Lead Researcher:Prof James St John & Emeritus Prof. Alan Mackay-Sim
  • PCSRF funding period:2013 – 2017
  • Total Funds Committed:$150,000 – Completed
  • Institution:Bond University
  • Lead Researcher:Rita Juneja
  • PCSRF funding period:2009 – 2013
  • Total Funds Committed:$69,000 Completed
  • PCSRF funding period:2017
  • Total Funds Committed:$64,000

Research Funding Applications

The Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation invites research funding proposals aimed at working towards a cure for spinal cord injuries.

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A legacy gift to the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation will help us continue the journey to discover a cure for paralysis and its many complexities.

You can help people across the world to walk again. We can’t thank you enough for considering us.

Please contact us on
0457 277 579 for a confidential discussion.